Well, I went to the mail box two days ago and what should I find an eviction notice! And guess how many days we have to move out of our house... 30 days! I frantically call Paul and ask him why he hasn't been paying our rent, even though I see it come out of our bank account every month. He tells me of course he has been paying the rent. So I call the property management company to see what is going on. They told me the owner of the property either is going to sell the house or it is going to foreclosure. Well if it isn't bad enough that we have to find a house in 30 days Thomas is having his surgery on April 15th and we have to be out of our house on April 30th. To top it all of we would really like to buy the next house we live in because we really do not want to have to rent another house and then move again in 6 months to a year. So needless to say we are super stressed and will be extremely busy for the next couple of weeks.