Friday, November 09, 2007

One Month and Counting!!

At last check 6 lbs. 6 oz. and 19 1/2 in...

And still growing...
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Hailey said...

Wow! Has it been a month already? That's exciting that he is putting on weight and growing well. He sure is a cute little guy. It's hard when they won't sleep anywhere except on you. That's how my oldest daughter was. Do you have a swing? That became my salvation with her!

Sean, Jen, Carson and Addie said...

Julie, you look so good! Thomas is such a doll! I remember that lack of sleep (it was just a few months ago!), but it gets so much better! I thought the first 6 weeks were the hardest, then all of a sudden they start smiling and showing their personality and it becomes so much more rewarding!!!